These 5 elements are Ether/Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. In Chinese cosmology these elements are comparable with those of Indian: Metal, Wood, Fire, Water and Earth.
First was Ether which turned into Air. From Air, Fire was born and from Fire came Water. Water condenses and forms into a solid thing called Earth.
Each element has their own qualities:
ETHER demonstrates qualities of imagination, expansion and dreaming
EARTH grounds and helps to be present in our lives
AIR brings creativity
WATER element helps us connect and go with the flow of life
FIRE gives us inspiration, passion and motivation
In astrology, each of twelve zodiac signs is associated with one of the elements:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius represent FIRE
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn represent EARTH
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius represent AIR
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces represent WATER
ETHER is considered a subtle level of consciousness and is said to be higher element than Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Ether doesn’t have the solidity of Earth or the coolness of water, neither it has the warmth of fire or even mobility of the wind. It is space, sky, spirit.